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Do You Know What A Good Benefit Plan Looks Like?

What should be in a good benefit plan.

A good benefit plan should include a number of plans that would meet you and your family's medical and financial needs such as: a good major medical (health) insurance plan to take care of your doctor and hospital bill, a good accident and health supplement insurance plan to pay everything your major medical don't pay like co-payments, deductibles, and when you out of work in the hospital, and a good life insurance plans in case a key family member happen to pass away.

Summary of some of the benefit plans:

Accident and Health Supplementary Plans: The majority of these benefit plans will pay you whenever you have to go to the doctor or the hospital, will pay everything your major medical insurance don't pay, and also have additional accident and health medical benefits.

Short Term Disability - Pay you if you are out of work, insurance for you income.

Hospital Confinement - Pay you if you are in the hospital due to sickness, accident, or injury, pay you every day you are in the hospital.

Accident - Pay you if you go to the doctor or the hospital due to an accident or injury, pay you every day you in the hospital and much more.

Cancer/Specified Disease - Pay you on first diagnoses of cancer, pay you every day you are in the hospital and much more.

Specified Health Event - Pay you if have heart attack, stroke, coma, organ transplant and much more.

Life Insurance Benefit Plans.

Life insurance is designed to protect your family's financial future after you pass away, it guarantees payment of a specified amount of money on the event of the death of the insured person. We have a variety of life insurance plans that will fit you or your family's needs such as.

Term Life Insurance - Pay your beneficiary if you should pass away within the amount of years specified in the plan.

Whole Life Insurance - Pay your beneficiary whenever you pass away, guaranteed cash value.

Guaranteed Issue - This is whole life insurance that is designed for people with pre-existing medical conditions.

Major Medical (Health) Plan.

You will need a health insurance plan that will protect the insured or members by promising to either pay the doctor or the hospital for medical care. In the case of a health insurance traditional insurance provided that it would pay for any reasonable, medically necessary care required to treat an illness or injury.

Please pass this article on to your friends, neighbors, or your loved ones that you care so much about.

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About the Author

Brian Vann, B.D. Benefit Provider
Raleigh, NC 27610

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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